lundi 29 mars 2010

a lost weekend

I have just spent 48 hours in excrutiating pain in bed with a headache that was so bad i dare not move my head,as every slight movement was like a knife .I am used to migraines ,but this was off the scale and i just could not have enough painkillers to dull the pain.
Today, I am much better ,but feel weak after the onslaught and bewildered at what brought it on.

4 commentaires:

  1. Good morning, Caroline,
    Poor you! I'm so sorry you had such a rotten time. It must be a bit frightening to get something like that, wondering what the source is. I've had one migraine in my life and never forgot how awful it was - don't know how you manage to cope with them on a regular basis. I suppose one gets used to almost anything, but still...

    Got a good book to read? I'm reading 'The Sixteen Pleasures' a delightful story of a book restorer who goes to Florence after a major flood to help salvage ancient books, and discovers one in particular - erotic poetry and fine etchings depicting 'the sixteen pleasures'. Very well-written and an unusual premise for a book - are you interested? I'll send it to you when I'm done, if you are.

    Hope your day gets better as it goes on. xoDeb

  2. Dear Caroline, I am sorry too for your bad weekend. I have sinus headaches but usually go away with nasal spray. I have heard that migraines are so awful. Blessings for you and family as Easter comes your way.

  3. Oh crap! Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time of it. My suggestion to recoup is to take a bath in the love from all the people who love you twice a day. Well wishes, Maggie

  4. Maggie, I meant to tell that I finally got to that book, and I guess now you know!
