lundi 8 mars 2010

blog in french

Isn`t it wonderful,thanks to Susan ,that you can now read my blog in french,too.Awider audience can only be positive.
Maybe some of you could donate to the french site
I am very proud of those who already have been so generous.My children are beginning to feel the pressure of the marathon.The mental fight is kicking in .Any tips?

7 commentaires:

  1. Nice friend to have, that Susan! It's great that you French friends can now read you too. xoxoDeb

  2. Caroline, I went to look at the French site. The translation is quite good and I tried to write a comment. When I was finished and clicked to publish it said “only members can comment on this blog.” So I was not allowed to place my comment.
    This is what I wrote in case you’d like to place it there:
    J’ai lu le blog en anglais et suis venue faire un tour pour voir la version française. La traduction est excellente. On voit qu’elle a été faite par un “humain” ou humaine et non par une machine. J’ai un bouton Google de traduction sur mon blog et je le pousse de temps en temps pour voir comment cela traduit mes posts qui sont en anglais; les traductions sont vraiment fantaisistes. Mais malgré tout cela donne une idée même avec toutes les fautes. Quant à la chance, c’est difficile à analyser pourquoi certains l’ont et d’autres non. Tout dépend de ce que l’on pense de la chance. Par exemple de ne pas avoir été en Haiti pendant le tremblement de terre serait de la chance, non? ou de ne pas avoir eu la grippe H1N1? Ou d’avoir des enfants en bonne santé? Donc tout le monde a de la chance, plus our moins…
    I am surprised that since I can comment on the English version I am forbidden to do it on the French.

  3. Anyone can now comment on the French blog, thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  4. hi mum and friends,

    Just to let you know, your blog is now on the Mouth Cancer Foundation website also

    Love Jerina

  5. Hi Caroline
    your link isn't quite complete for the website - needs a .com in it! please re-paste this -
    good to read your blog, John is also doing the Marathon - Paris Hospitals, neuro research - but we will be adding to Jack's fund - hope its a nice day for them all and his knee holds out for the duration!
    karen x

  6. Go Jerina and Jack! We are all counting on you and you will be so proud of yourselves when you've done it. I thought we might be away on the day, but it looks like we might be around, in which case our family hopes to come along and cheer you on. I'm sure others will too, so keep at it - you're doing a great job.

  7. Dear Caroline,
    I just wanted to say that I have been very moved by your blog, from someone who doesn't know you, but I am part of the BSP community. Good luck to your two wonderful kids for the marathon, wishing them all the best.

    Please do keep writing your blog, we're listening.
    Best wishes
