jeudi 4 mars 2010

the givers and takers

yesterday evening ,I was feeling down as i had been to the doctor`s again and have now got bronchitus and have to go back on more antibiotics,when I had only just finished taking some for another condition.And the constant coughing trying to clear my lungs is wearing.
Then i receved amail from a lady who has been reading my blog and who has met me briefly ,but to my shame ,i could not recall,and who was offering to translate all my blogs into french.I was so touched ,as although i have had offers,this was from a comparitive stranger,and it made me think of all the people who are so giving without reason and how lucky i am to have come across them.
I have a friend who gives me reiki sessions
i have a friend who gives me massage
i have a friend who gives me pilates exercises
ones who accompany me on walks
ones who visit me even after a long day at work
ones who send me dvds
ones who are raising funds for my charities
and all of you who read my blog and give me encouragement.
And it makes me wonder-who gets more out of life -those who give seflessly,or those who just think of the next take?
It also makes me question what I was before i became ill.
feeling a bit better today as couging has abated a little already.The sun is out again.

6 commentaires:

  1. Caroline,
    The answer is clear- - it's giving that brings the best rewards. People who give of their time and energy - like your friends who give you Reiki and massage sessions - are the ones I really admire. It's no effort to sit and read your blog and write a little something, but their help involves giving up something of themselves, I think.

    I guess it's normal to look back and wonder if you would have done the same when you were able to, but I wouldn't worry about it. Everybody has their turn, and it's a testament to the kind of person you are that you have all these people willing to make your life a little better.

    Grey skies and rain threatening this afternoon - I'm off to the next village soon to help set up for the big book sale tomorrow. It's a group a bit like Message was, only nobody's breast-feeding any more.

  2. Dear Caroline, don't want to bug you, but just in case you overlooked my comment I would like to offer you a WOW pin of support. just go to to pick it up, that is if you choose to accept it. If you have trouble, go to my profile and click on my blog, WOMANOFWISDOM. I was a practitioner in Reike, massage and healing touch as a nurse and try to continue my ministry through cyberspace with words of encouragement.

  3. Caroline- Good afternoon. The sun shines here too, just back from a dog walk. You are sounding so grateful and it feels infectious. I pause to become infected. And it is so.

  4. Hi's a sunny day here as well. I believe you were and are a giving person, that's the feeling I get when reading your posts. I hope your cough continues to improve and that tomorrow is sunny too!

  5. I think it is so great that there are friends around you who are there for you. It certainly must give you a warm feeling. Once, a long time ago, before cell phones, my husband went away on environmental business in the fields far away, my two daughters were baby and toddler and I had a stomach bug, was quite sick. I did not know a single person to call, not one. I could not feed them because every time I would throw up – it lasted a day and they had had no food either. I finally called his office the next day and one of the secretaries came to help, but I did not know her – I was grateful though. I felt so miserable. I wished I had had a friend. Blogging is where my friends are now and I am grateful for the internet. I hope your bronchitis is quickly gone.

  6. bronchitis improving thanks,and i agree about the power of the internet and the word in general.
    love to you all
