I was thinking about how people say you make your own luck in life and ,success is down to hard work and a bit of luck,and i think it is only people who deem themselves to have" made "it who can make such statements.
I am sure it is just a matter of the roll of the dice.Life is unfair ,some people sail through life,others carry burdens with them from birth.
How do you equate bringing up your children to being honest ,good ,hard-working ,responsible citizens and that you will get what you deserve if you do follow those rules,when it is so often not the case and those who merit a good life,are often plagued with bad luck ,be it health,poverty ,tragedy after tragedy,which no amount of hard work will get you out of.?
When I first got cancer,I remember my son blaming it on his school-and then the house we moved to at the same time -saying they brought bad luck. I suppose he needed to label it ,and this was his way of coping.Move schools and home and the cancer and bad luck would disappear.!If Only!
My brothers and sister have been financially lucky and they put this down to their hard work and they deserve their new -found freedom of not having to worry about paying bills,but they worked no harder in life than i did ,they were just clever enough to be in the right place at the right time.Out of the four of us , I was also the unlucky one to have been struck down with cancer.
So what lessons do you give your children?
I suppose it is not to expect anything ,but to appreciate the good things you do have,to respect yourselves,to have good manners,to look at the world and see it for what it is ,warts and all ,and know that you can only do what will make you feel a better person.It is good to be passionate about something
,but don`t think life owes you anything.
I am sorry if this is a bit of an incoherent ramble,but stream of conscience and all that and i don `t have a psychiatrist.....
I had news from a friend yesterday who has just become a grandparent for the first time and is cock-a-hoop,and i am so pleased for her .I think there is nothing that can beat a new life,especially a cherished one.
The sun is out again and i really should go and spend a bit of time in it -hope your day is good.