mardi 20 avril 2010


firstly,i am sorry for not getting up the video-i will try and u-tube it at some point,as i am at a loss as to what to do.
I am trying to get some colour into my garden,and it is proving quite difficult.In order to put some beauty there,one needs soil,of course and this is so hard for me to transport.I have to do it trowel by trowel and it is such hard work,when it should be a pleasure.
My son came out to help in the end and it was done in a flash.
which made me think about the marvel of strength and how wonderful an asset it is ,especially for men.What we have achieved in the world because of men`s strength,is incredible.I have always celebrated things cerebral and poo-pooed muscles and wrestling and boxing.But now i realise strength is a force to be admired,although not violence.
Another lesson learned -you don`t know what you got till it is gone-as the song goes....

5 commentaires:

  1. Ain't that the truth! I thought a new step ladder with a tall handrail would make curtain taking down/putting up an easier and safer task - but the older the knees, the tougher the steps get...and the blacker the curtains while I try to muster up enough oomph! Hope your garden soon blossoms after all your efforts, not to mention your son's.

  2. Ah...there's a thought I wouldn't have considered otherwise. Depends on your perspective, doesn't it?
    We do tend to favour brains over brawn - encouraging our kids to be academic instead of technical, but it's a mistake. The world needs people who are practical and capable, not just thinkers.

    Glad Jack was there to help you. xoDeb

  3. A girlfriend and I walked to a bluff overlooking the city and her remark, simular to yours, was that all those buildings were built by men. We had a moment of gratitude for men and all the physical labour they do.

  4. So true, Caroline! My husband comes in very handy, when strength is needed, which is fairly often around here. He put up a fence around my small vegetable garden today.

    Gardening is difficult, but so enjoyable too. Hope your flowers bring lot's of color to your world!

  5. I am having such a miserable time at the moment,that your comments are life-savers.Why is it that your nearest and dearestcan`t or won`t see what is right under their noses? and strangers can give so much more comfort?
