samedi 17 avril 2010

Don`t know how this will turn out,but a big thankyou to all who participated in their many different ways,whether their contribition was verbal ,physical,monetary-you all played your role and we managed to raise more than 6,000 euros for the Gustave Roussy hopital de Paris and the Mouth cancer foundation. If it helps to alleviate any of the suffering that i have and do experience,it will have all been worthwhile. A good weekend to you all

2 commentaires:

  1. Caroline, that's fantastic, really! The original goal was 2500, wasn't it??
    Are things back to being quiet? Hope your weekend has some good moments, too.

  2. ihave been publishing comments all the time but they are not coming up and i apologise but i do not know what i am doing wrong!!
