mercredi 28 avril 2010


apologies for no blog today,but had a bad night,feeling really down at heart,and not up to it.
By the way, i do read all your comments,even if i don`t always reply and am eternally grateful for them-sometimes they are the only things that keep me going.

5 commentaires:

  1. Wishing you inner peace no matter what the body is doing. xo

  2. Pray for serenity and freedom of pain for you. blessings

  3. I pray your spirits are lifted and that tomorrow is a better day, Caroline.

  4. There's no need to say you're sorry We're the ones who should be sorry that you're not feeling well. You've been on my mind a lot in the last few days - just thinking about you, is all. Wondering how you feel, what you're thinking. Wishing I could help a bit.

    I've spent the last few days sight-seeing, showing Pierre's sister around. It's been good to get out of the house and see some more of the area - very stupidly we are so glued to our activities at home that we don't take much advantage of this lovely place. I'm pretty sure what your advice to me would be...

    So, I'm sorry you feel down. Hope you can find your way up a little bit. Love and a hug, Deb

  5. Hi Caroline,
    Sorry you are in such pain. I don't understand. I had a long conversation with my Muslim neighbour the other day. He is very religious man and sure there is a higher power. I am agnostic. Told him I felt if there is a god I certainly don't like the way he manages his business. Why should little children suffer the sins of their fathers [his, and the Christian religons, explanation for their suffering] and aren't we all little children? A friend of mine, in his mid fifties has just been told he has cancer of the pancreas and months to live - he should "get your affairs in order". You and many others suffer so much. It is so unfair. I simply don't know how to rationalize such things! Do you? Or is just getting through the day difficult enough? take care darlin...I am saying an agnostic's prayer for you.....just in case...
