mardi 4 mai 2010

3may-chemo one 2010

slept through the transfusion very deeply and then came home and had another two hours.I have a bad taste in my mouth and feel a little sick,but nothing intolerable yet.Don`t think it will be easy whilst still on the cortisone and the chemo at the same time.My eyes are blurry too-i hope that is temporary!
Next chemo in two weeks when i expect i will lose my hair too.

3 commentaires:

  1. Amazed you had the energy to post. Look forward to hat chic.

  2. Me too! I'm also amazed that it happened so fast once you made the decision. That's good. I'll be out of touch for the next few days as I'm off to Calgary on Thursday and will be pretty busy tomorrow getting ready for a two-month stay. I'll check in on you on Friday.
    Taking you with me in my thoughts, Caroline. xoxoDeb

  3. I learned of you through one of Deborah's blog posts and send you, from the Midwest of America, all good thoughts. One of the dear woman loves of my life is in the midst of chemo (she's had two rounds with cancer before but did only radiation)...she, too, had a "tinny" taste in her mouth after the first chemo and lost her hair before the second round. She, like most everyone I've seen who loses her hair to chemo, has become astoundingly beautiful with her features revealed. I suspect you'll reveal a new kind of beauty without the veil of your hair.
