lundi 22 février 2010

BAFTAS - or- Best Friends Awards

Watched the BAFTAS last night ,and thought I would do my own version of " Thankyou`s "and , "if it wasn`t fors" to people who have proved invaluable friends and support throughout my cancer trials. They may not think they do much,but,believe me,it takes just one tiny act of kindness,to change you from feeling you can`t go on ,to finding a fighting spirit again.
There is no specific order,and I may forget someone I shouldn`t,as they do on the big screen,but thank you to you all who spare a moment for me.
Ann and George,who are in constant touch with me and send me dvds regularly that keep me occupied in my times of tiredness and loneliness.I always look forward to their litle parcels.The films and friendship give me a lot of pleasure.
Lindsay- An unexpected friend only relatively recent since she heard of my problems and stepped forward without hesitation to see what she could do.For several years now ,she has unerringly kept in regular touch to see how I am doing, has accompanied me to hospital, and gives me regular Reiki sessions which heal me in that they calm me ,and to know someone is prepared to concentrate solely on you for an hour is flattering and rare.
Rosemary and Tony-local friends who offer to drop everything anytime to come and help and do not just say it ,but have proved themselves many times.Both John and I enjoy their company and they are our social hub.They find it natural to help others if they can.
Madeleine - despite living more than an hour away,and with many burdens of her own ,keeps smiling and giving encouragement ,and goes out of her way to visit me frequently.
Pam and Phil - Pam retired as a school teacher recently and set off to the states where one of her sons lives,to help him move from one side of the states to the other.On her way she sent me regular updates of her travel experiences which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and felt I was participating in.she also sent me photos,one of which was an amusing one of her and her husband on a bed ,she knitting ,he reading a book ,looking a little whacked from the many hours driving.
Little did I know ofthat she was knitting me A SHAWL which i wear all the time,keeping me warm and reminding me of her states venture.
Cath and Pam- Both Cath (another school teacher,but who I met through our husband`s love of cricket) who made me a patchwork quilt,and who have four bright children.
Denyse Boaler - I met denyse playing netball at the Bitish School of Paris,and I gave her French lessons and became her friend and she organised a run on my behalf when she cried that she did not know what she could do to help me when i told her of my cancer,and with the support she rallied from the British school ,I was able to go on a holiday and remember what a beautiful world we live in. She has moved back to England now ,but we are still in touch.
Lynn and Kevin- Lynn cries with me and sends me virtual hugs and says the right things.She has dropped everything at a moment`s notice and caught a flight to spend time with me when I am low.I know Ican stay with her and will be welcomed no matter how I am feeling.
Olivia- has moved to Korea ,and I derive alot of pleasure hearing about life and culture over there.
Ann, Richard yelland-have three wonderful and successful children and a busy life but still find time to see how I am doing.
Others who care are: Christine freeman who regales me with stories of her grandchildren-I long to hold a baby and sense that wonderment of new life,which I was too busy to appreciate when I had my own babies.
Margaret-a nurse by profession ,but a friend to me who likes to come and get me out in the fresh air a bit.
I am sure there are others who all do their bit that makes such a difference to my life,but the main pillars of support are of course my husband and daughter and son.
They have their ways of dealing with my illness as it affects them deeply,of course,and they go through the same emotions as I do,anger,tears blame ,the unfairness etc, but their loyalty and love knows no bounds-and they even put up with my embarrassing dribbling!
Thanks even to their friends,some whom I have never even met ,but have sent notes of encouragement which puts faith in the future for all of us if we have children who care like that.
I wonder if this beats last year`s Kate Winslet`s speech.
All for now,keep talking-it is good to talk.

6 commentaires:

  1. une promenade à travers votre blog
    Greetings from Reus Catalunya

  2. You've got it all over Kate Winslet.

    That's a pretty nice list of friends - would you tell Rosemary that when I visited Kim the other day, I was prompting her about old friends in Villennes and her face kind of lit up when I mentioned Rosemary.

    I'm so glad you've got that kind of support - you're less isolated than I had thought, somehow.


  3. Sounds as if you have an amazing family of friends, Caroline. By the way, I love your name! It sounds so poetic and musical.
    It's nice to know someone with a fighting spirit and a grateful attitude.

    Smiles to you Caroline!

  4. Hello, Caroline! I found your blog through Deborah's and I would love to add you to my bloglist.

    It sounds as if you have a very supportive network of friends and that is so important. I don't know what I would do without my good friends in times of great need. You and I are most blessed in that way.

    It is a pleasure to meet you.

  5. I read about you in Deborah’s blog and I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I have read all your posts from the beginning and was pleased when I read the last one where you said that you had many friends ready to be with you and give you support. Friends are very important and it is so great when you have some. Here (near Atlanta, Georgia) we do not have any. Our grown daughters are in other states (Ohio and California.) When a doctor asks me to write a local friend’s name in case of an emergency I usually say to call the Police as I don’t have a name for them, so I know how important it is to know that you can call someone. I had not heard much about this cancer and with your explanations I can understand it better. I hope that the right kind of medication can give help you and make you as comfortable as possible. Writing in a blog I think will bring you some pleasure as you will have blogging friends who will come and be company for you through your computer. The good thing about it is that it is your blog, you can write anything you wish, when you wish, about what you wish, and we’ll be pleased to read it. I shall be back – Amitiés Vagabonde

  6. you are so right-thankyou for taking the time to read and comment
